Ann Coulter is a fairly well known conservative that aligns herself with the far right of the Republican party. Coutlter is a lawyer, author and political commentator. She graduated from Cornell University with a B.A. in History and then later went to University of Michigan Law School and became a lawyer in 1988. Coulter has written 8 books that have all made the New York Times best sellers list and sold more than 3 millon copies combined. With titles like
" Godless: The Church of Liberalism" and
"Demonic: How the Liberal Mob Is Endangering America", it is plain to see her target base is conservative Christians whom are a well organized political group.
When she's not writing best sellers she is usually making rounds through the media defending her position and plugging her books.
In her article
WINGLESS, BLOODSUCKING AND PARASITIC: MEET THE FLEA PARTY! she attempts to discredit the current "Occupy Wall Street" movement that has seen mass protest against Wall Street business practices and its political influence.
Her argument is that these protesters lack any credibility or values and therefore should be dismissed. Secondly, she argues that there are mechanisms in the constitution that allow people to vote for change instead of protesting.
Coulter's first line in her blog is an ad hominem fallacy in which she attacks the protesters by saying "So far, the only major accomplishment of the 'Occupy Wall Street' protesters is that they have finally put an end to their previous initiative, 'Occupy Our Mothers' Basements.'" She is suggesting that these large groups of unhappy people should be viewed as people whom are devoid of any kind of responsibility and therefore creditability. Coulter then continues by associating them with "adolescents looking for a cause, public sector union members, drug dealers, criminals, teenage runaways" and attacking their appearance in an effort to demonstrate to her audience that these people look nothing like you and therefore ARE nothing like you, nor share your values.
Coulter's second argument is that our democracy functions so that there is no need for mass protests. She states, "Even when injustice existed, there were constitutional mechanisms to right wrongs." While this argument has some validity, she chooses not to address the protesters discontent with the political system which they feel does not work because of the gravitas held by the wealthy. From what I gather, this is what the protests are truly unhappy about. Coulter never addresses why these people are protesting but rather she picks and easier target of how they are expressing there political discontent.
Ann makes her money by selling her extremist point of view to a conservative base. She does an excellent job promoting herself and her work (plugging her books when at all possible). So it comes as no surprise that she makes a bold effort discredit any movement that opposes conservative audience. Her partisan opinion stirs up controversy. This controversy garners attention which is good for her message and her book writing business.